The authors


Born in Zagreb in 1945, Rada Iveković is a philosopher and indologist with a political and feminist approach. She studied in Belgrade, Zagreb and Delhi. She taught philosophy at the University of Zagreb (1975-1991), and later at the University of Paris 7 and at the Universities of Saint-Denis/Paris 8 (1992-2003). Program director at the Collège international de philosophie in Paris (2004-2010), she teaches at the University of Saint-Etienne. She is a member of the editorial board of the research and publication network Terra. She published books on philosophy, indology and counter-indology, various essays, a few handbooks and many papers, in several languages. She is a member of Transeuropéennes' editorial board.



- Balcanizzazione della ragione, Roma, manifestolibri 1995.

- Le Sexe de la philosophie. Jean-François Lyotard et le féminin, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1997.

- Autopsia dei Balcani. Saggio di psico-politica, Milano, Raffaello Cortina 1999.

- With Julie Mostov (eds), From Nation to gender, Longo Editore, Ravenna, 2002.

- Le sexe de la nation, Paris, Eds. Léo Scheer, 2003.

- Dame Nation. Nation et différence des sexes, Ravenna, Longo Editore, 2003.

- With Ghislaine Glasson Deschaumes (eds.), Divided Countries, Separated Cities. The Modern Legacy of Partition, Delhi, OUP, 2003.

- The Captive Gender : Ethnic Stereotypes & Cultural Boundaries, Delhi, Women Unlimited, 2005.

- With Stefano Bianchini, Sanjay Chaturvedi, Ranabir Samaddar, PARTITIONS. Reshaping States and Minds, London, Routledge/Frank Cass, 2005.