The translators


Ferda Keskin holds a PhD in philosophy at Columbia University. He recently founded a BA program called Political economy and social philosophy and a MA program called Philosophy and social thought at the University of Bilgi in Istanbul. He is the director of the Association for Cultural Studies and he ran the publication Philosophical Trends in the Twentieth Century: Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul, Bilgi University Press, 2007. He co translated into Turkish and directed the publication of several translations, including an introduction for each of the six volumes of Michel Foucault’s Dits et écrits and Pera Peras Poros: Espacement et temporalisation de l’étranger, an atelier with and about Jacques Derrida. He also translated into Turkish several works of contemporary philosophers such as Giorgio Agamben, Guy Debord, Jacques Derrida, Raymond Geuss, Emanuel Lévinas et Catherine Malabou.
