The authors


Didier Renault has studied philosophie at the Ecole des Hautes études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS),  and has developed his personal research on Nietzsche's first philosophy, on Georg Lukács, Nicolai Hartmann, Henri Lefebvre. From 1992 to 2004, he was teaching philosophy, English and German.

He translates from English, German and Italian into French, both articles (especially for the journals Actuel Marx and Travailler) and books.

Books translated from German :
Hans Joas, George Herbert Mead, une réévaluation contemporaine de sa pensée, 2007, Economica.
Hermann Broch, Théorie de la folie des masses, 2008, éditions de l’Eclat (with Pierre Rusch)
Hartmut Rosa, Accélération (Beschleunigung),  éditions de La Découverte, with en 2010
Walter Benjamin, Gershom Scholem, Correspondance, éditions de l’Éclat, to be published in en 2010 (with Pierre Rusch)
Georg Lukács, a chapter of « La Destruction de la Raison », éditions Delga, to be published in 2010.
Book translated from English :
Maurice Cornforth, Marxisme et philosophie linguistique, éditions Delga, to be published in 2010.